Kung Fu
Attentiveness is the path to true life;
Indifference is the path to death.
The attentive do not die;
The indifferent are as if they are dead already.
Η προσοχή είναι η πορεία προς την αληθινή ζωή.
Η αδιαφορία είναι η πορεία προς το θάνατο.
Ο προσεκτικός δεν πεθαίνει.
Οι αδιάφοροι είναι σαν να είναι ήδη νεκροί.
Wushu-Kung Fu
Northern Praying Mantis Fist
( See more videos on our Youtube Channel: Kallirroon Youtube videos )
Traditional Chang Quan
Το παραδοσιακό στυλ της Μακριάς Γροθιάς που διδάσκουμε στη σχολή μας έχει τις ρίζες του στη Yantai της επαρχίας Shandong της Κίνας. Το 1949 το έφερε από την Κίνα στην Κορέα ο Κινέζος Grandmaster Lee De-Jiang (Lee Du-Kang). Ο μαθητής του Grandmaster Lee Je-Dong το έφερε στην Ευρώπη (Βιέννη) το 1984. Από κει ο Μάνος Ταμιωλάκης το έφερε στην Ελλάδα το 1994.
Είναι ένα εντυπωσιακό στυλ Κουνγκ Φου με γρήγορες και ισχυρές κινήσεις, με ψηλά άλματα και χαμηλές στάσεις, γι’ αυτό και οι αθλητές μας διακρίνονται σε όλες τις κατηγορίες στα παγκρήτια και πανελλήνια πρωταθλήματα. Ιδιαίτερα στο Πανελλήνιο πρωτάθλημα έχουμε διακριθέντες αθλητές και στις δύο πιο ανταγωνιστικές κατηγορίες, που είναι η Α΄ Κατηγορίες Ανδρών και Γυναικών.
Ο Grandmaster Lee Je-Dong χρησιμοποιούσε το όνομα Chol Sa Chang Kung Fu (Κουνγκ Φου της Κόκκινης Παλάμης) στη Νότια Κορέα. Είναι ένα παραδοσιακό στιλ της Μακριάς Γροθιάς από την επαρχία Σαντόνγκ της Κίνας με ισχυρή επιρροή από το σύστημα Mei Hua Tang Lang (Plum Flower Praying Mantis). Λόγω αυτού του συνδυασμού είναι μια πολύ αποτελεσματική, αλλά και όμορφη πολεμική τέχνη.
Lee De-Jiang Lee Je-Dong Emmanuel Tamiolakis
Τα περισσότερα στυλ Tang Lang Quan (Στυλ του Αλόγου της Παναγίας) που βρίσκονται σήμερα στη Ν. Κορέα προέρχονται από τον Master Lin Pin Zhang (林 品 障), μαθητή τόσο του Master Ji Chung Ting (紀春亭) όσο και του Master Sun Yuan Chang (孫元昌), ο οποίος μετανάστευσε κι αυτός στην Κορέα τη δεκαετία του 1940. Αυτή η γενεαλογία ταξινομείται ως Mei Hua Tang Lang Quan (Plum Flower Praying Mantis Boxing / 梅花 螳螂拳), και είναι ίσως η πιο δημοφιλής γενεαλογία mantis στην Κορέα.
Shifu Manos Tamiolakis
Τα κύρια χαρακτηριστικά στο δικό μας στυλ Κουνγκ Φου είναι η ευκινησία και η ταχύτητα στην κίνηση, καθώς και η έκταση λόγω των Long Fist χαρακτηριστικών του. Οι ασκούμενοι κινούνται γρήγορα, αλλά και με χάρη, πηδούν ψηλά και μακριά, συνδυάζουν την κίνηση με την ακινησία, την απαλότητα με την σκληρότητα, εναλλάσσουν τις γρήγορες με τις αργές κινήσεις, οι οποίες είναι καθαρές και ρυθμικές. Η παραγωγή της ισχύος είναι μεγάλη και η προέλευσή της ξεκάθαρη. Τα άκρα είναι χαλαρά κατά τη διάρκεια της κίνησης και σφίγγουν μόνο στην πλήρη έκταση. Ως βόρειο στυλ Kung Fu χρησιμοποιεί έκταση στα χτυπήματα, χαμηλές στάσεις και δυναμικές μεθόδους λακτισμάτων. Αναπτύσσει την αντοχή, την ευελιξία, το συντονισμό, την ισορροπία, τη δύναμη και την ευκινησία.
Traditional Long Fist Kung Fu
The style, that we teach in our school, comes from Yantai at Shandong, China. In 1949 Grandmaster Lee De-Jiang brought it to South Korea. In 1984 Grandmaster Lee Je-Dong brought it to Europe (Vienna). In 1994 brought Shifu Manos Tamiolakis the style in Greece. It is an impressive style of Kung Fu with fast and vigorous movements, high jumps and low stances. Because of this, our athletes win very good places in the Pancretan and Greek tournaments.
Historically, most of Tang Lang Quan presently found in S. Korea comes from shifu Lin Pin Zhang (林品障), student of both shifu Ji Chung Ting (紀春亭) and Sun Yuan Chang (孫元昌), who immigrated to Korea in the 1940s. This lineage is usually classified as Mei Hua Tang Lang Quan (Plum Flower Praying Mantis Boxing /梅花螳螂拳), and is probably the most popular mantis lineage in Korea. The other significant Korean branch starts with shifu Jiang Kyung Fung, close friend of shifu Lin Ping Zhang, who also immigrated to Korea in the 1940s. Shifu Jian was a student of shifu Hao Heng Lu (郝恆祿) in Shandong province and his lineage is usually classified as Tai Ji Mei Hua Tang Lang Quan (Supreme Plum Flower Praying Mantis Boxing / 太極梅花螳螂拳). Grandmaster Lee Je-Dong used the name Chol Sa Chang Kung Fu in S. Korea. It is a Mei Hua Tang Lang (Plum Flower Praying Mantis) system with a strong influence of Shandong Chang Quan (traditional Long Fist) mentality techniques and some added compos or taolu (forms). Because of this combination it is a very effective, but also a beautiful martial art.
The main characteristics of the Korean branch of Tang Lang Quan are agility and speed in movement but also expansiveness and gracefulness in posture due to its Long Fist influence. The practitioners move fast, jump high and far, combine softness with hardness, fast and slow moves, motion and stillness. The movements are clearly rhythmical. The generation of energy is powerful and the origin and outlet of the energy are clear. The limbs are relaxed during movement and only tighten, when fully extended. As a Northern Kung Fu style emphasises extension in striking, with deep stances and dynamic kicking methods. It develops endurance, flexibility, coordination, balance, strength and agility. The power is developed through the rigorous training of extended postures, in which ligaments are bend in a way that tendons and muscles are tighten. This generates energy in the limbs which can be led and stored in the “centre”. (See the curriculum at the end of the page).
Sanda (Σάντα) – Light Sanda
Το SANDA (ΣΑΝΤΑ) και το Light Sanda είναι αθλήματα που έχουν σχεδιαστεί για μάχη με κανόνες στο Lei Tai (Ρινγκ). Το Sanda είναι πλήρους επαφής, ενώ το Light Sanda είναι μάχη ελαφράς επαφής (30% της ισχύος). Το Light Sanda είναι κατάλληλο για παιδιά, καθώς μέσα απ’ αυτό μαθαίνουν τις εφαρμογές της μάχης. Εξίσου κατάλληλο είναι όμως και για την ανάπτυξη της ικανότητας της αυτοάμυνας. Σ’ αυτό το άθλημα ασκούνται στη Σχολή μας τόσο ενήλικες όσο και παιδιά.
Το Sanda και το Light Sanda συνδυάζουν παραδοσιακούς κινέζικους τρόπους μάχης με δυτικούς (όπως το Κικ Μποξινγκ). Εμπεριέχουν τόσο γροθιές και λακτίσματα (ανάλογα του kick boxing), όσο και τεχνικές πάλης με ρίψεις που προέρχονται από το παραδοσιακό Κουνγκ Φου. Οι αθλητές φορούν γάντια, κάσκα και θώρακα για την καλύτερη προστασία τους.
Ιδιαίτερη προσοχή δίνεται, εκτός από την τεχνική κατάρτιση, στη βελτίωση της δύναμης, της αντοχής και στις στάσεις του σώματος. Αναπτύσσουν τα αντανακλαστικά, το συντονισμό, τη συγκέντρωση και την προσοχή, και φυσικά τις ικανότητες μάχης.
Όπως και στα Kung Fu & Tai Chi οι αθλητές της Σχολής μας έχουν κερδίσει πολλά μετάλλια και διακρίσεις σε παγκρήτια και πανελλήνια πρωταθλήματα στο άθλημα αυτό.
SANDA and Light Sanda are sports that are designed for fighting on the Lei Tai (ring) with rules. This differentiates them from Kung Fu fighting, which is a realistic, non rules fighting. Sanda is a full contact, while Light Sanda is a light contact (30% of power) fighting. Light Sanda is proper for the majority of athletes who train on a none professional basis and therefore cannot risk the effects of full contact matches (Sanda). Both of them are a mixture of traditional Chinese fighting techniques in combination with modern fighting techniques. Blows on sensitive parts of the body are not allowed. Special attention is paid in addition to the technical training on the improvement of strength, the stamina and posture. Reflexes, coordination, attention, fighting skills are trained. All techniques of Light Sanda must be performed controlled and metered. Therefore it is very safe for children and adults too.
The athletes of our Association have won plenty of medals at the Pancretan and Greek tournaments.
Παραθέτουμε παρακάτω την ύλη του Παραδοσιακού Στιλ της Μακριάς Γροθιάς από τη Σαντόνγκ
Curriculum of
Shandong Long Fist Kung Fu
Bu Quan Shou (4 small basic forms)
Tan Shou (2 small basic forms)
12 roads Tan Tui
Partner exercises:
4 Dui Lian
Forms (Taolu):
So Chu Quan / Xiao Suo Quan / small reducing fist
Kerro Quan / Kai Lu Quan / open road fist
Beng Bu Quan / Crushing step (Mei Hua Tang Lang – Plum Flower Praying Mantis)
Mei Hua Quan / Mei Hua Quan / plum blossom flower fist (Qi Xing Tang Lang – 7 Star Praying Mantis)
Mei Hua Ro / Mei Hua Lu / plum blossom flower road (Tai Ji Mei Hua Tang Lang – Plum Flower Praying Mantis)
Keum Gang Quan / Kum Gang Quan / Diamond fist (Tang Lang – 7 Star Praying Mantis)
So Ho Yun Quan / Shao Hu Yan Quan / little tiger – swallow fist (Qi Xing Tang Lang – 7 Star Praying Mantis)
External Forms
A Ga Quan / Yue Jia Quan / Yue family fist (Shandong Chang Quan – Shandong Long Fist)
O Hu Quan / Wu Hu Quan / five tigers fist (Shandong Chang Quan – Shandong Long Fist)
He Hu Quan / Hei Hu Quan / black tiger fist (Shandong Chang Quan – Shandong Long Fist)
Bian gan (Iron Whip)
Ancient Chinese Iron Whip
The whip (Chinese: 鞭; pinyin: biān) is one of the eighteen arms of Chinese Wushu. It appeared very early, and became quite popular in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. Bian is a metal weapon that has heavy multiple joints with a sharp tip and shape like a short stick. It is also called iron whip or steel whip. The materials for Bian are different in different dynasties like bronze or iron materials. The length of the Bian is 0.90 cm to 1 m. The weight varies between 4 to 7 kg. The Bian is shaped like bamboo joints. That’s why it is also called zhu-jie-bian (bamboo section whip). Usually people use a single one, but some use two Bians. The joints on the Bian help increase the damage of hitting and stop the enemy’s weapons.
Chang Gun / Long Staff
1. Long Fist Praying Mantis Staff Form
2. Northern Praying Mantis Staff Form
3. 16 movements Staff Form
Jian / Straight Sword
Praying Mantis Straight Sword
Dao / Broadsword
Wu He Dao / Five Harmonies Dao
Τσι Κουνγκ/Qi gong
Wei Gong – external Qi Gong
(for more information about internal Qigong see our page: Qigong)
Tie Sa Chang / iron palm Chi Kung
Chul Sa Chang/ Red Hand Chi Kung
Ha Pa Chang / Bamboo Bindel Chi Kung
Zhan Zhuang / Standing Chi Kung
Tie Bi Gong / iron arm chi kung
Yi Jin Ching and various standing Chi Kung exercises
Ο Διαλογισμός είναι αναπόσπαστο μέρος της πρακτικής όποιου επιθυμεί να αναπτύξει τον εαυτό του. Οι διαλογισμοί που κάνουμε είναι διαφορετικών ειδών, τόσο Chan Meditation όσο και κατευθυντικοί διαλογισμοί με οραματισμό και συγκεκριμένη στόχευση.
History of our Kung Fu style
Kung Fu Introduction
The History of Northern Shaolin Kung Fu dates back to the year 495 A.D., when the Shaolin Buddhist Monastery was built in Honan province in Northern China honour the Buddhist monk Badra, who brought Buddhism to China. In the sixth century A.D. a Buddhist monk named Arya Bodhidharma arrived in China from India. Bodhidharma was the 28th patriarch of Dhyana Buddhism in India. Upon establishing teachings of his lineage in China, he became known as the 1st patriarch of Dhyana Buddhism in China. Bodhidharma’s teacher was Arya Prajnatara, the 27th patriarch in India. Dhyana is the Sanskrit word for Zen (Japanese) or Ch’an (Chinese) or Sun (Korean). In order to improve the physical and spiritual condition of the monks, Bodhidharma taught them sets of movements designed to liberate energy (chi). Based on these sets the monks developed a martial art system known as Ch’uan Fa (Fist Method). Ch’uan Fa combined Buddhist meditative practices with self defence techniques. Through the centuries Ch’uan Fa was developed further on and when it came to the west they named it Kung Fu.
Tang Lang Quan History
The founder of Tang Lang Men (Praying Mantis Gate), Wang Lang, is estimated to have been born in 1622. During the Manchu invasion in 1644, Wang Lang’s family was killed. Lucky to escape, Wang Lang sought shelter in the Shaolin temple. As believed, it was not here that Wang Lang was first introduced to Kung Fu. He had studied with his father Wang Man-Tang, who had held a high military rank. Once Wang Lang was in the Shaolin temple, he continued his studies of Kung fu with the monk Shan Ta Shuh. Barely escaping when the Manchu attacked and destroyed the Shaolin temple, Wang Lang fled to his native province of Shandong, seeking refuge in the Taoist temple of San Shen Kong, at mount Lao (Lao Shan).
It is known that during the Ming dynasty, Mr. Shi Chi-Kuang (1528 – 1587 AC) – a general who fought against the Japanese, wrote the book Chi Chiao Hsin Shuh (year 1560 AC). It was only later when Wang Lang compiled movements of the 17 best systems of the time, as they were mentioned in the Chi Chiao Hsin Shuh book, that Wang Lang incorporated a technique which he himself had developed by observing a Praying Mantis insect fighting a cicada. Despite the smaller size of the mantis, it was able to subdue the much bigger cicada, amazed with its unique fighting ability, Wang decided to bring home some mantis for observation. After a period of study, he adapted the many movements of the mantis and combined it with his knowledge in martial arts into creating a unique style he called Tang Lang Quan or Praying Mantis Boxing. He included later the footwork of the ape to infused agility and mobility to this new found fighting style.
The northern group of Praying Mantis is divided mainly into three styles: Qi Xing (7 Star), Meihua (Plum Flower), Liuhe (Six Harmonies). The oldest variety (lao jia zi) is Qi Xing Tang Lang Quan. This style has become the basis for other varieties. Although they all share a common root, each of them has its own original characteristics.
The closest to Qi Xing Tang Lang Quan is Meihua Tang Lang Quan. It is considered to have been founded by Jiang Hualong or his teacher master Liang Xuexiang (1810 -?). The best pupils of Liang Xuexiang were: Sun Yuanchang, Xiu Kuijia, Zhu Yongxiu, Jingchuan Guo, Liang Zhongchuan, Tsue San Chou (founder of Taiji Meihua Quan Tang Lang), Jiang Hualong, Huo Lin Jue.
Meihua Tang Lang and Qi Xing Tang Lang styles are generally similar, they differ as to the quantity and content of practised forms and the way the power is used. Basic forms of Plum Flower Mantis are: beng bu, lan jie (luan jie), and fen shen ba zhou. Up to the time of master Liang Xuexiang the only forms that were practised were lan jie, shen fen ba zhou and what was called “the secret moves”. The latter was a number of combined techniques of various types that never came to be a form. “The secret moves” were being practised as separate techniques.
Tang Lang Quan History in South Korea
Most of Tang Lang Quan presently found in Korea comes from shifu Lin Pin Zhang (林品障), student of both shifu Ji Chung Ting (紀春亭) and Sun Yuan Chang (孫元昌), who immigrated to Korea in the 1940s. This lineage is classified as Mei Hua Tang Lang Quan (Plum Flower Praying Mantis Boxing /梅花螳螂拳), although the mentality of the style is closer to the mentality of Qi Xing Tang Lang Quan (7 Star Praying Mantis), due to the direct and straight lined way of the techniques. The other significant Korean branch starts with shifu Jiang Kyung Fung, close friend of shifu Lin Ping Zhang, who also immigrated to Korea in the 1940s. Shifu Jiang was a student of shifu Hao Heng Lu (郝恆祿) in Shandong province and his lineage is usually classified as Tai Ji Mei Hua Tang Lang Quan (Supreme Plum Flower Praying Mantis Boxing / 太極梅花螳螂拳).
Tang Lang Quan was introduced in Korea 100 years ago in the beginning of the 20th century by the “Iron forearm” Long Fist Praying Mantis Master Wang Song Ting, who stayed there for 4 years before he moved to Taiwan. But due to the Japanese occupation of Korea and the prohibition of training of non-japanese martial arts, Koreans had to wait 50 years more until they were able to learn and train Chinese martial arts. In fact, the communist revolution in China in 1949 had as a result many Kung Fu masters immigrating to the neighbouring countries such as Taiwan, Korea and even Japan. Due to them, Shandong martial arts spread to these countries 50 years ago. “This is a significant period of time, making Korean Praying Mantis as at least as old as the mainstream Tang Lang Quan in Taiwan. That offers us an opportunity to analyse this branch comparing it to other branches in Continental China, Taiwan and Hong Kong, adding a valuable element to understanding Tang Lang Quan history and evolution. Therefore, Korean Tang Lang Quan can be classified as a locally flavoured Tang Lang Quan of the Mei Hua variety” (Fernando Blanco-Dopazo, The Mantis Cave).
Bagua Zhang influence
Other important Masters apparently of the two mentioned above, who moved to Korea at that time were No Sue-Chon of Bagua in Inchon and Lee De Jiang (or Lee Duk-Kang) in Seoul. Master No Sue-Chon was a very good friend of Lin Pin Zhang, therefore they used to exchange knowledge and send students to each other to learn and exchange forms. That is why we can find some basic Bagua Zhang forms (basic eight Palms) in the Korean branch of Tang Lang Quan.
Shandong Long Fist influence
Grandmaster Lee De Jiang
Lee De Jiang had studied Shandong Long Fist (Chang Quan Men Pai) in his hometown Yantai in Shandong, before becoming a student of Lin Pin Zhang in Seoul. Master Lee De Jiang (李德江) (이덕강) (sometimes romanised Lee Duk-Gang) was born in 1931 in the city of Yantai (煙台), Shandong province, China. At the age of 11, he began training in Chang Quan Men Pai under Master Lee Yong De (李永得), who had been a bodyguard for the famous Chinese general Zuo Baogui (左寶貴) during the first Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895). Near the end of the Chinese Civil War in 1949, Master Lee De-Jiang relocated to Korea and eventually settled in Seoul. There he became student of Lin Pin Zhang studying Tang Lang Quan. In 1960, he began teaching Chinese immigrants at the Chinese embassy there, and in 1963 he opened his own school and began teaching non-Chinese as well. He still teaches in Seoul as the head of the Overseas Chinese Wushu Association of Korea. He has been teaching a combination of Shandong Long Fist forms and Tang Lang Quan. All of his students that have become instructors have been also teaching the same curriculum.
As a conclusion we can assume that “to a greater or lesser extent every mantis branch has had influences from other Chinese boxing styles or other Tang Lang Quan branches. We can be sure that any Tang Lang Quan found today is different than the Tang Lang Quan trained in the 19. Century, even the Tang Lang Quan trained at the beginning of the 20. century. If we understand the Chinese boxing styles as an evolving set of principles, the Korean Tang Lang Quan branch is a legitimate sister branch of those currently present in People’s Republic of China, Taiwan or Hong Kong. By looking at the Korean Tang Lang Quan we can see that this branch has its own characteristics. In some movements, but even more in the hard training methods, we can see the Korean flavour, with force meeting force, very linear for the most part. When we compare the Korean mantis branch with its Mei Hua Tang Lang Quan sister branches in Taiwan or Continental China we can see that the Koreans have a harder / rigid quality when boxing the mantis techniques. The Mantis Cave).
Grandmaster Gang Young-Il
Master Gang Young-Il had the privilege to be taught from three of the legendary Masters of Kung Fu in Korea, namely Master Lee Duk-Kang, Master Lin Poom-Zhang and Master Yo Pom-Sam. Unfortunately we haven’t many information about Yo Pom-Sam, all thought he was the one that taught Chi Kung to Master Gang Young-Il. Yo Pom-Sam’s teacher was Master Go, who taught Six Harmonies Shaolin Kung Fu.
The style in Europe
Grandmaster Lee Je-Dong
Grandmaster Lee Je-Dong was born in Seoul, in 1954. At the age of 14 he began to study Changkweon under Master Gang Young-Il. He was very young (30 years old), when he earned the title of Master. He was an Iron Fist Master able to brake ten bricks by the power of his fist. In the year 1986 he started a Kung Fu school in Vienna (Glasergasse 19, 1090, Vienna-Austria) under the name “Northern Style Shaolin – Red Palm martial arts school”. Four years later he handed over the school to his first student Instructor Gerhard Rosen, returned to Seoul and founded the “Shaolin Kung Fu Hong Sa Su Federation” there. Master Lee died unfortunately in a car accident in 1996 at the age of 42. The school in Vienna continued under the instructions of the older students.
Today it is running under the instructions of Alexander Hammerschmied.
Emmanuel Tamiolakis
Manos Tamiolakis was one of the first students of Grandmaster Lee Je Dong. He started training Kung Fu in 1986 in Vienna, first with Master Lee Je Dong and then with Instructor Gerhard Rosen. In 1994 he returned to Greece, where he continued his training on his own, seeking to bring to light and combine the martial with the spiritual elements of this art. He is familiar to eastern philosophical ways, especially to Buddhism (Zen) and Taoism. In 2007 he travelled to South Korea, where he had the opportunity to be accepted and train with Grandmaster Lee De-Jiang. He also trained with PomSaNim (Grandmaster) Lee Won-Il during his staying in Golgulsa Temple.
He has studied Qi Gong with Master Bai Xiufeng, with Master Lee Jedong, with Lama Dondrup Dorje and with Master Zhou Ting-Jue. He has studied Tai Chi Chuan Yang with Jean Wulverick. Additionally he is a Shiatsu practitioner, having his Diploma from NHS (Natural Health Science Institute).
He is the founder of the Cultural and Sports Association “KALLIRROON” in Heraklion Crete, Greece, in which Chinese traditional martial arts and alternative therapies are practised and taught.
Manos is also a Sociologist (MA, University of Vienna) with additional pedagogical studies and 20 years experience in planning of educational programs and in counselling.
The Lineage in Praying Mantis Kung Fu
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