Qi Gong Seminar in Norway

kallirroon Post in Εκδηλώσεις-Events

I am happy to have taught the practise of Quansheng Qigong in one of the northest and most gorgous places of Europe, the Lofoten islands of Norway. It is a bless, while sharing the knowledge of Qigong, to travel and meet such interesting and beautiful people. In this elementary level seminar the participants have being taught how to clean their aura, how to absorb qi from the surroundings, how to energize the energy whirling centers, especially the Dan Tian, and how to store the energy there. The relevant theory for the above is of course taught too.

All of them felt already by the third day the heat (one of the ways, that the surplus of qi expresses itself) in the abdomen area and some of them felt the clarity in mind, which can be provoked by energizing of the upper energy whirling centers. It is up to everyone now to keep going on that very interesting, healthy, energizing and spiritual path, called qigong.

Many thanks to Lilian for organizing the whole event.

Maybe some people would be interested to know that the whole seminar will be repeated in Crete at 28-30 October. Stay tuned!

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